Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Bad slaves!!!

My human slaves has bought a dog.


It makes appalling noises, it smells of dog, it's IN MY HOUSE. It must be stopped.

Monday, October 13, 2008

I can has smoked salmon

kthx. mmm. tasty 'moked salmon.

*vigorous chop-licking for several furious minutes*

now, it is time to vigorously dance around in my kitteh litter.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Thing I like to eat

I like it when my human parents eat fried eggs and I can lick their plates afterwards.

Also, chicken is my rightful food, both raw and cooked, and I even quite like chicken curry.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Poor me. I went to the vet. The mean vet cut off the ends of my toenails, which were growing into my feet (I had been bleeding all over cushions and curtains and things) and then put HORRIBLE BANDAGES ON MY FEET. I did not like them, and I bit them and bit them until mummy took them off for me.

Even though she gave me my own bowl of porridge to eat, I still weed on her pillows and her and daddy's doona. That will teach her.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Woke up and bit someone.
Went and slept some more in the wardrobe.

Dreamed about birds.

Woke up, ate some cat food, went back to sleep.